Monday, December 29, 2008

What are you doing with your hair for new years eve?

So if you're anything like I am, you are already trying to put something together for new years eve. No matter what you're doing you have to look fabulous to ring in the new year. I will be taking group dance lessons and having a sparkling cider toast at midnight, so I need a hair-do that will stay put through twirls and dips. Here are a few pictures I've picked up online that I think and defiantly not only  new years eve but suitable for daily wear.

This style does not look like it has been french braided around her head (which can be difficult for even the most experienced braider). Just part hair down the middle, make a low braid and pin around your head. If your hair is not long enough you have incorporate some extension pieces.
I'm not usually an Eva fan, but how can you ignore that hair? I like to follow this video tutorial ( for fast beehives, just leave a few pieces around your face down for a soft look.
So easy for anyone to pull off. Curl hair, pin one side back (with something sparkly for extra credit) and smile.
Perfect if want to be casual for new years eve, or even as a back up hairstyle if something goes wrong. After smoothing into a high pony take a small piece out and wrap to hide the elastic. The hair will stay around easier if you first spray it with hair spray and smooth with a comb. simply pin the end of the hair underneath your ponytail
Joy is always so simple. This would be so great if you have really striking make-up or very beautiful skin. Smooth into a half-pony, flat iron ends and add shine spray. couldn't be more simple. This is also a great back-up style.
I would start this out with hot rollers to give it a nice wave. Simply pull back into a loose bun and let a few pieces fall. Add a beautiful hair pin and you are our the door. This is also a great solution if you decide to curl your hair and it just isn't behaving, or is just too big!
I imagine wearing this lounging around my best friend's house on new years watching movies. french braid the front two inches of your hairline and pull into a low pony.

How are you wearing your hair for the big night? How about your make-up and outfit?

It seems that the madness is finally over!

Sorry that I have not posted in a few weeks- it has been nothing but crazy around here! Between my brother being home from school, baking, parties and work I have been exhausted! I have some photos compiled for the last few weeks although there are so many things I wish that I would have gotten photos of, these will have to do!

These were taken for our annual Christmas card to send out to family and friends:
My family is hilarious- and they all love to stick out their tongues!

I can never be serious in Christmas pictures!

What we finally decided to send, if I had it my way we would have sent the first picture.

That same day we had some family and friends over for my niece and nephew's baptism.
My oldest niece, Jennifer.
Brittany and I, we have been friends since first grade!

Jacob and Jillian- which you have seen in the previous post. they were baptised in my pool so they have swim suits on. That's how we do it in the sunshine state. Aren't they so sweet?

I have some more hair and make-up pictures I took a little while ago that I will post in the next day or two! As we speak I have a pin curl set in, I am excited to see how that turns out in the morning. 

Sunday, December 7, 2008

what I wore today

Today I had a day full of setting up the Christmas tree and doing other fun holiday things! My mother and I baked some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and fudge. While getting down some decorations from the attic we took my mom and dad's keepsake boxes down and I got to look through some old yearbooks and things. My dad had a box full of tie clips, cuff links(made of mink!), lots of neat pins and rings. I will hopefully be wearing some of them really soon! My mom also had some awesome 45's that I can't wait to listen to. After we decorated the tree we headed out to church for a Christmas play that my niece and nephew were in. I was so excited that I got to wear a new velvet sweet heart neckline dress I found at a thrift store! The dress ended up being huge up top, so I'll have to get it altered.

I'm wearing a thrifted dress, belt, headband, shoes, and sweater- forever 21, tights- target
My beautiful niece and nephew!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

a day in pictures

These are from yesterday. I had a day full of cutting hair out of my house (and others). My friend phoebe and I made these amazing oreo type cookies out of the Martha Stewart cookie cookbook. We finished the night with The Dark Night at our friends house.

I borrowed my mother's MAC plush lash mascara (bad, i know!) and I LOVED it. It made my sparse lashes lush and long!

My tripod is still M.I.A. so i employed Alexander to take some photos. I got this skirt at the thrift store and it makes me feel so Christmas-y! I think I am going to take up the hem above my knee.

Top (dress)-American Apparel
Skirt- Thrifted
Tights- Betsey Johnson
Belt- Forever 21
Shoes- Jefrey Campbell

                                              Before we put them in the oven!                                                 My beautiful friend Phoebe
                                                   The finished product

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

product review!

So for my very first product review I thought I would start with some classics!

L'oreal Elnett- For years it was a product American's could only dream about. Shame on Hollywood hair stylists and
 magazine editors for talking about a product that was only available overseas. They slightly changed the formula (lower levels of  VOCs) so now it can grace your bathroom cabinet. For a $14.99 11oz can at Target it's a good buy. So, does it really stand up to it's claims?

Claim- Disappears at the stroke of a brush, offers long-lasting hold with brilliant shine and a satin touch, protects style against effects of humidity

Truth- I must confess, I hate hairspray, but I decided to buy a 2 oz can just to check out all the hype. It is everything I could ever want a hairspray to be. I can run my hands though it but this product has better memory that any elephant. My hair was not dull or sticky as many hairsprays get, AND it smells like the perfect french rose perfume! I slept on my blowout and my hair looked the exact same (maybe even better) the next day. This has become part of my beauty routine.

Bumble and Bumble Brilliantine- I've read many reviews on this product making claims that it will give you the "perfect slept-in look". I finally decided to bite the bullet (at $20 for 2oz) and try it out.

Claim-  Gives hair polish and a sort of languid, slept-in, sexy look with separation and extra sheen.
Truth- Although not thrilled at paying $10 and ounce I quickly forgot after seeing what it did for my hair. I applied it to freshly washed hair and let it air dry, a few hours later my hair was wonderfully wavy- but not frizzy. The next time I used it I decided to blow it out. Brilliantine left me with soft bouncy hair that lasted for days. But just because you love it is no reason to pile it on- if you use too much you're left with a greasy mess.

Bumble and Bumble surf spray- You know when you see those celebrities with that perfect wavy "just got back from the beach" hair? Well there's no beach in NYC, this is the product they are using. at $21 for 4oz it's twice as much product (as brilliantine) for about the same price.

Claims- Sexy, salty, sun-died wind surf swept styles. Whenever, Wherever.

Truth- I have a natural wave and love the beach-y look as much as anyone else. The moment I put this product in my hair I was begging for a shower. I usually let my hair go several days without washing it but I couldn't resist washing my hair that night. With that said- I do have to give it credit for looking like i just stepped out of the water. I decided to give it another try, this time on second-day hair. I used it as a base for a braided messy up-do. I applied a lot less and the product was perfect for the job. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

daily outfit

Here are some pictures of my outfit/hair/make-up today. I am wearing gold cat eye liner, but you can't really tell in the pictures. sorry for the terrible outfit picture- my tripod is missing so i had to use my photobooth.

top- anthropologie, jeans- lucky brand, belt- forever 21

I also bought some awesome fabrics today. I'm wanting to explore with some drop crotch pants within the next few days.

Monday, December 1, 2008

today in pictures.

Here are some pictures from earlier today:

Alexander before taking off the beard

and after! He hates getting his picture taken so these are the best i could get.

my wonderful chocolate dirt cupcakes inspired by a dessert i used to love as a child. I'm taking a dozen to the salon, six to Alexander's house, and the last six are for me!


Hello, I'm Katie. I'm a 20 year old, engaged hair dresser. I'm also an avid blog reader, I read everything from fashion to Martha Stewart's blog (really). I have never been able to find a beauty blog that really captivates me so I decided to start my own. Along with product reviews and trying new trends I hope to also post some sewing/ crafting/ baking creations and whatever else comes to mind!

This morning I shaved my fiancee's beard off and I took a few pictures of him. I also baked some chocolate "dirt" cupcakes i'll post some pictures later!